Fri 03 Jan
I am Everything you WANT all In one Package! ______ (( Gorgeous Exotic Brunette )) ______ Call Me!! - 24
(Salt Lake City, 8019213006)
Great Ass ** Petite toned Body ** Lips that Lo♥ve 2 Kiss ** Gfe - 20
(Slc * Pc * West Valley * Ut county)
★ ★ Gorgeous Brunette Angel ★★ A Supreme Beauty ★★Available Now!! ★★ - 20
(Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City and Surrounding Areas)
Stephanie's Massage The Best and Most Beautiful Bikini Girls in Town. $60 hr - 28
▃▆▓▓❤ ▓▓▆▃ 👠💋 💄 █ ▓ ▒ ----full Body Massage Special, Nice Asian Masseuses, Free Table Shower--- - 26
(Salt Lake City, 58 E 2700 So. Salt Lake ( 801-484-8668 ))
💜🍑🎉💗👑 (*S* -W- *E* -E- *-T-) (*A* -N- *D*) (-A- *D* -*D* -I- *C* -T- *I*-V- *E*)👑 💗🎉🍑💜 - 23
(Downtown UPSCALE, Salt Lake City)
💓🌺💯 Real 🌺💓 Upscale 💎 Beauty 💕😻Sexy Blonde Playmate 😻💓💦🌺💓 - 27
(Salt Lake City, sorry just outcalls for now guys)
**REVIEWED** exactly what you need, petite && busty Kim (( $130 SPECIALS!! )) - 21
(Salt Lake City, OUTCALL SLC)
(¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯♥ Se.X.x.X.Y :... SHeeK..: CoMPLeTe... BoMbsHeLLs (¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯♥• - 24
(Salt Lake City, ♥♥ 801-928-2364 ♥♥)
Tantra will satisfy your every appetite. Delightfully delicious! 120/hr - 38
(Salt Lake City, 250 south/ 800 east apartment)
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U!
(Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George, anywhere you want me!)
SuPeR NeW and I'm SuPeR SeXy! ~*~ Hr Specials 24/7 ~*~ SeXy LeXi ~*~ I will B*L*O*W ya MinD! - 25
(~SLC~ in/out)
Meet _______ _______ The *GIRLS* _______ _______ _______ New to SLC _______ _______ Unique Ladies __ - 27
(Salt Lake City, outcall availability)
★ ☎:*[ CLICK HERE ]UlTiiMaTe * CoMpAniiOn * (100% Real ) ☎:* ☆¨*: - 21
*** CRIME ALERT *** *** crime alert *** *** CRIME ALERT *** - 41
(Logan, Ogden, Provo, Salt Lake City, St. George)
((( Coming to Utah ))) _______ NEW to the City _______ VISITING 12/8 Until 12/15 _______ INCALL - 27
BUSTY _______~~ _____________ CURVY _______~~ _______ SUPER SWEET TOO ________~~ _________
(Salt Lake City)
~*()*~ c*U*m ExpeRienCe FuN ForReaL _ NauGhTy SeXy and LoaDs of FuN _ Big WeT LipS _ CaLL NoW - 25
(sLc*DiScReT inCaLL DoWnToWn)
🎀✨•C A N ' T •-:¦:-• RESIST •-:¦:-• M-A T U R-E •-:¦:-•VIxEN • 💗✨♥**WAY TOO HOT TO MiSS!** ♥ 🎀✨ - 30
(Salt Lake City, I come to you :))
🔴☶🔴☶🔴☶ YOUNG 🔴 PRETTY 🔴 Hot 🔴 Asian Girls 🔴 Bountiful 801-425-8499, Salt Lake City 801-837-7332🔴☶🔴☶ - 23
(272e,900s, SLC/48e, 400s, Bountiful, Salt Lake City)
TREAT yourself with our Lovely TROPICAL atmosphere~ our BIKINI BABES are Now booking!! - 23
(Salt Lake City, 515 East 4500 South building G suite 120)
THE PERFECT TOUCH - ALL YOU COULD WANT AND MORE: Alexis is here and ready for you now! - 25
(Salt lake City: Sugarhouse)
come in out of the cold weather let our warm hands melt ur stress away - 28
(Salt Lake City, soutordanparkway)
Thu 02 Jan
Treat Yourself ~ Your Worth It !!!~Skilled, Petite, Discreet and 50yrsYoung ~ :-) - 50
(Salt Lake City, INCall My Very Private Home ~ Millcreek)
`'[uP] 4 WhAtEveR'´ [(¯`sWeEt ´¯ )] `' eRotiC'` [(¯` K!NkY ´¯)] `'spEciaLs'` [ fOr yOu]] - 22
(Salt Lake City, your place)
uℓtiℳαtε ✘ ρℓαγMαtε ✘ ✨🌟SKiLLŞ❤👌ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε * TIGhT💫 LiL 💫BoDy💖✨Soft 💦 L!pz❤ - 22
(IN YOUR LAP!!, Salt Lake City)
** Tuesday Evening * ~ INCALL ~ FUN! Late Hours * ^^ * .... Sandy Area **Flat Rate - 35
(Salt Lake City, Sandy/ So. Salt Lake Cty)
ThE PeRFeCt ChoiiCe #1 o★o° °o★o° No UpSell °o★o° ... HoStiNg NoW - 21
(Salt Lake City, (Well ReVieWeD))
*@#%! ThiCk @sS _ LuScIoUs LiPs _ aNd _MiNd EnterTainMenT _*@#%*_ 140Hr *NoUpseLL - 25
(sLc_ .:*:. Mine or Yours..)
{{ T.I.G.H.T butt }} ------- {{ Tiny Waist }} ------ {{ Pretty Face }} Available NOW! - 23
(Salt Lake City, NDEPENDENT PROViDER!!!)
❤ Twice The Fun; Twice The Action!! ❤ 2 Girls Visiting - 24
(Salt Lake City, Our bed or Yours (Midvale incall ))
I M———S———O— —————D——A— M————————H —O———T—*— I———M———————O N——————F———I ——R——E— - 18
(Salt Lake City, In / Out)
✿~✿ I Loved Gettin MY STOCKING 4 XMAS ✿ Get YOURS ✿ A TRUE MILF ✿ Xperience ✿~✿
(Salt Lake City, Clse2Freeway Hotel)
Gentleman. . ASHLEY is back up NORTH TO ALL MY GUYS to spoil and pamper you -special140 NEW PICS - 38
Great specials GREAT REVIEWS don't take a chance with this SEXY EBONY BEAUTY IM REVIEWED AS AWESOME - 28
(Salt Lake City, West valley Incall outcall)